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When To Wear A Mask And How To Use It?

When To Wear A Mask And How To Use It?

A mask is just one piece of a larger plan to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and preserve lives; wearing a mask alone is not enough to prevent infection.

Keep yourself safe if COVID-19 spreads in your area by adopting measures like keeping your distance, using a mask, maintaining enough ventilation in enclosed spaces, avoiding large gatherings of people, regularly washing your hands, and coughing into a sleeve or tissue. To know more on how to Wear Facemask, keep reading. 

When to Use a Mask at Home for Medical Purposes or Respiration?

Those with a positive COVID-19 test or experiencing symptoms should quarantine themselves (stay in your room).

However, if you must be in the same room as another person, everyone in the room nine years of age or older should wear a mask. Adults and older children should use a medical or respirator mask.

Sometimes a child's smaller face means that a medical or respirator mask doesn't fit properly. A well-fitting fabric mask is an option for children aged nine and above in certain scenarios. Younger kids may not feel comfortable with a mask anyhow.

Tips for Putting on a Mask


  • Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after putting on and removing a face mask.
  • Make sure there are no air leaks between your face and the mask by covering your mouth and nose.
  • It must be taken off backward; the mask's front must not be touched.
  • Masks, both medical and respirator, should be discarded after use.
  • Face masks should be stored in a clean, sealable bag such as a ziplock freezer bag, paper bag, or cloth bag.
  • Have a second bag on hand for discarding worn cotton face masks of the same kind.


  • Avoid touching your mask while wearing it; if you do, wash your hands well afterward.
  • If you must use a mask, ensure it is dry and clean.
  • Keep your masks to yourself.
  • If you're wearing a face mask, keep it up.
  • If you remove your mask in public, you might infect other people.
  • Please do not discard single-use masks.

Make sure the face mask you buy for your kid is designed for kids' faces. A child's tiny face may prevent them from wearing a mask properly. Instead, put on a snug-fitting cotton mask. Children above the age of 9 are required to wear a face mask while receiving medical attention. They should do so while riding buses or trains to and from school. Nonetheless, that is not a prerequisite.

One use only, then toss out the disposable mask. When a mask becomes damp, it must be removed and replaced. Masks should be used and stored according to the manufacturer's recommendations, and mask removal and re-use must occur in a certain order. If you can't find the mask's directions, here's how to put it on and take it off.


Face masks are useful for preventing the transmission of disease and Stay Safe. People may infect others simply by speaking, coughing, or sneezing since they expel microscopic droplets (droplets) into the air. Wearing a face mask may prevent the spread of disease and limit the spread of germs from an unwell person. The wearer's nose and mouth are shielded from bodily fluids that can spray at them thanks to a face mask.
Previous article The Essential Role of Face Masks in Public Health Strategies